First in U.S.A.

It seems that I'm the first in the United States to recieve EU-DX-D 1000 SSB Trophy as part of the German Amateur Radio Club (DARC) European DX Diploma program. Also confirmed to receive EU-DX-D 1000 CW Trophy. Happy day!

European DX Diploma

Thuringten Trophy

The Thuringten Trophy arrived. 8" tall terra cotta. The "R" on the stone of the trophy designates the RENNSTEIG Hiking Trail in the Thuringten Forest in Central Germany. These stones are found along this 110 mile hiking trail. The trophy is awarded for completing 80 contacts in the 40 different towns (DOK's) along the trail. I qualified 5 times: 3 bands, SSB (voice) and CW(morse code).

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